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Oncology Genetic Testing

Comprehensive Cancer Profiling

Comprehensive cancer profiling provides informed treatment decisions for different types of cancer.

Cancer+ Discovery Panel is one of the market’s most comprehensive and accurate NGS based testing solution for the identification of clinically actionable mutations and the discovery of novel variants with important functions in cancer. Supporting both tissue sample and liquid biopsy, the panel offers whole exome coverage of 816 cancer-related genes across all solid tumor types and interrogates the most common types of alterations, including SNVs, indels, CNVs and fusions in solid tumors.

Oncology Genetic Testing

With the Leukemia gene detection (DNA+RNA / DNA) panels, 373 / 183 leukemia-related genes associated with hematologic malignancies can be studied by simultaneously analyzing DNA and RNA from blood samples in a single assay. The panels cover relevant targets for the following major myeloid and lymphoid disorders: acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and chronic myeloid leukemia (CML),

The Cancer Medication Guidance can provide informed treatment decisions for non-small cell lung (50/20/13 genes), colorectal (23 genes), gastric (20 genes) and gastrointestinal (20 genes) cancer patients and identify treatment options or clinical trials for patients before starting first-line therapy or during the disease progression.

BGI SENTIS provides specialized diagnostic tests for targeted treatment selection across multiple cancer types:

BGI SENTIS™ Cancer + Discovery (Tissue/ctDNA)
72 types
• Comprehensive (most common types of genomic alterations, genes associated with both sporadic and hereditary cancers, interpretation on 360+ drugs)

• Flexible (sample: tissue or ctDNA)
BGI SENTIS™ Medication Guidance (Tissue)
Lung, Colorectal, Gastric, GI
50 (20)/23/20/20
• Comprehensive (most common types of genomic alterations including base substitutions, InDel, CNV and fusions; evidence-based therapeutic interpretation)

• Reliable (sequencing depth: ≥500X, LOD: 1%; pathology check conducted on each FFPE sample)
BGI SENTIS™ Medication Guidance (ctDNA)
• Comprehensive (most common types of genomic alterations including base substitutions, InDel, CNV and fusions; evidence-based therapeutic interpretation)

• Reliable (sequencing depth: ≥500X, LOD: 1%; pathology check conducted on each FFPE sample)
BGI SENTIS™ Leukemia Gene Detection (DNA/RNA)
• Comprehensive targets coverage

• More trusted performance (sequencing depth: ≥4500x, mutation frequency of at least 1% and 0.5 copies per ng of RNA input for the detection of gene fusion)

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